Our History

The story began with an ordinary woman who lost everything in life, disolving her hope and finally making her want to finish her life by committing suicide.

"In my past, I was a school teacher and a political idealist within a culture where at the time, there was no complete democracy. I saw a lot of social inequality. Later I resigned from my teaching career in order to run my own business, wanting build up my financial status. I thought that would make me successful and be a part of improving the society more than before. Unfortunately, I quickly ran into financial problems with my busines, and finally went bankrupt. I realized I had nothing left and went in a wrong way. This also caused many problems in my family. On top of all this, I was diagnosed with cancer of the vocal cords and could not use my voice as usual. 

My teaching job ended and I could not see any way to solve the problems except for death. But then a vision came into my mind that I must live my life for other people in my country which was saved by our ancestors' lives. So, I decided to live for this vision, and eventually this became the New Vision for Life Foundation. We began with the Hill Tribe Children for Education project in the northern part of Thailand and took care of orphaned children. I went to every village and saw many disadvantaged children that needed urgent care. My heart told me I had to help them even though I had so little.  I knew that love is patient and kind, so I wanted to help them with all of my life. Today, when I look back at my past, I find that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Love conquers all things. I learned that the most important thing in life is to live your life for others by loving them without expecting anything in return. Thank you for your support to build people to build a nation.", says Lawan.

In 1994, Lawan began supporting 5 kids. After that, the number of kids grew steadily with the increased support from volunteers.

In 2000, Lawan registered the foundation as non-profit organization in Thailand, and officially opened it as Home 1 in the Wiang Papao district of Chiang Rai Province.

On May15, 2012, Home 2 was built in the Mae Lao district of Chiang Rai Province.

On May 17, 2012, Home 1 started a Home School project in kindergarten level for about 20 kids.

In August, 2017, construction began on a major addition and remodel to build a new Christian Grade School for our children on our property.

On May 1, 2018, Home 2 was dissolved and the children were brought back to Home 1 for the opening of a new school.

On June 15, 2018, our New Christian School opened its doors for the 2018 school year with 180 children regularly.

On August, 2018, Funding began for new Dormitories for the expanding Children's Home and School.


  • 892960_444461762300172_580829778_o.jpg
    The Home for Hill Tribe Children Education project is operated by the New Vision for Life foundation. The foundation is registered as a non-profitorganization in Thailand. Our fou...

  • DSC_0206_2.jpg
    We have a vision to build people to build a nation. We believe everybodywants to be a good person and do good deeds for themselves and their country. However, they cannot do what...

  • DSC_0051.JPG
    We are taking care of children in kindergarten and high school levels.Address: 300 Moo.5, Ban Pa-ngae, Mae Chedi, Wiang Pao, Chiang Rai 57260(Click herefor map) ContactMs. Lawan Ni...

  • documents.jpg
    Registration document of New Vision for Life Foundation
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